The first 10 words from the title are: USED Canon EOS 60D DSLR Camera Body
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Acontius –
I go along with all the praise on this and will just mention a few points.
First, I went back and forth: Body only or kit? I’m glad I went with just the body, because I spent a little more and also bought the Canon EF 50mm 1.4 lens. What a fantastic combination! Startlingly clear shots,…
dawna –
This was my very first camera, the cost was reasonable for everything I got in it. My pictures come out so clear. I have had it for years and it still is going strong!
Bastien N. –
I bought the camera as used. The quality of it astounded me. It looks brand new with barely a scratch. Its a very professional tool and look forward to years of enjoyment.
Roger James –
I think the Canon 60d is a magnificent camera. It takes great images in even the most difficult settings. It has a wonderful grip which makes it very comfortable and secure to hold. It does not weigh too much with the basic 18-55 kit lens but with longer zooms it is a handful. It focuses very…
Amritheshwar –
It was actually more than 100% from canon and amazon as well!!!!
FeliceMente –
Ho scelto questa macchina non solo come sostituto della mia EOS 400D, ma anche e soprattutto come videocamera per il film-making, dove a mio avviso eccelle. Il formato del sensore non è full frame 35mm, cosa che a mio avviso è un vantaggio in ambito video e da anche accesso alla gamme di…