The first 10 words from the title are: “Nikon D7000 DSLR (Body Only) (OLD MODEL)
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J. Anderson –
Amazing. I love this camera, it’s perfect. used but in like-new condition. I would highly recommend this if you’re looking to get a good camera body!
Kindle Customer –
This camera is incredible, I am just learning it and it produces great pics… I bought David Busch’s (Engineering textbook) D7000 guide and after about 1200 shots am just beginning to scratch the surface of what this camera is capable of.. Many before me have written much better reviews with…
Bree –
El producto funciona perfectamente hasta el momento, está completamente nuevo. Hay unos detalles que no pueden pasar desapercibidos, uno; el producto se me envío en una caja blanca solamente con una calcomanía de Nikon al parecer no es su caja original. Dos; hay un error de logística, el…
Maurizio –
Produit en très bon état. Livraison impeccable.
J. Anderson –
Pur possedendo la fantastica d750 ho voluto ricomprare questo gioiello della quale avevo nostalgia ed ho fatto non bene ma benissimo, è ancora attualissima , ultra equilibrata e i suoi “soli” 16 mp sono , a mio parere , sono perfetti e li preferisco ai 24, non le manca nulla . Confesso d’aver…
Kindle Customer –
My first DSLR was a D80 I purchased four years ago. The shutter went out a few weeks back but I had been planning to upgrade to the D7000 anyway so this just hurried things up. I bought the D7000 kit with the 18-105 lens but quickly sold that on Ebay. I was shooting with a Tamron 17-50 2.8…